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Advancing Main Group Chemistry
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We are excited to welcome Parth, Johannes, Muhammad and Harry to the group. Parth is starting his PhD and Johannes is a visiting PhD student from Prof. Baik's group in South Korea. Muhammad and Harry are our latest BSc project students to join the group. We look forward to their valuable contributions to our group!

Congratulations to Matt on passing his PhD viva subject to corrections. We wish him all the best for the next stage in his career as a teacher.

Professor R. L. Melen

Cardiff Catalysis Institute
​Translational Research Hub
Maindy Road, Cathays
Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

Tel: +44 (0)29 20879667
Recent publication:

Melen Research Group, Spring 2023
Boruah, T., Ishizeki, R., Roldan, A., Melen,* R.L., and Wirth,* T., “Flow Electrosynthesis of Phosphinamides and Phosphoramidates through P–N Coupling”, Green Chem., 2024, ​